Dashboard and visualizations | Kibana Guide [8.7] – Elastic

Visualize your data with dashboards.

The best way to understand your data is to visualize it. With dashboards, you can turn your data from one or more data views into a collection of dashboards that bring clarity to your data, tell a story about your data, and let you focus only on the data that’s important to you.

Dashboards display your data in graphs, tables, maps, and more, allowing you to compare your data side-by-side to identify patterns and connections. Dashboards support multiple types of dashboards for displaying data and several options for creating dashboards.

Create dashboardsediting Dashboards

give you the space where you add dashboards of your data


Minimum requirementsediting

To create dashboards, you must meet the minimum requirements

. Open the paneledit

Start with an empty panel or open an existing panel


Create and



Dashboards are created using editors, which can be accessed from the dashboard toolbar or from the display library. or add dashboards saved to the visualization library or search for Discover results.

To create dashboards from

the dashboard toolbar, use one of the following options

: To create dashboards from the display library:


add existing dashboards from the display library: Save and add


Consider where you want to save and add the dashboard in Kibana.

Save to display libraryedit


use the panel in other panels and canvas work panels, save the panel to the display library. When panels are saved to the display library, it appears in the panel header.

If you created the dashboard from the dashboard: If you created the dashboard from the display library:

Save to dashboardedit

Return to the dashboard and add the dashboard

without specifying options to save or add the dashboard to the

display library. If you created the dashboard from the dashboard:

If you created

the dashboard from the display library: To add unsaved dashboards to

the display library:

Add context to


To provide context to




add text panels that display important information, instructions, images, and more. Text panels are created with GitHub-flavored Markdown text.

For example, when

you enter

: The following


are displayed:

Or when you enter


The following image is displayed

: For

detailed information on writing to GitHub, click Help.

Save and add the paneledit Save the panel to the Visualize Library and add it to the panel, or add it to the panel

without saving it.

To save the panel to the

display library: To save

the panel to the panel:

Add image panelsedit


customize your panels, add your own logos and graphics using the Image panel . You can upload images from your computer, select previously uploaded images, or add images from an external link.

To manage uploaded image files, open the main menu, then click Stack Management> Kibana > Files.

Arrange dashboardsedit

Compare your dashboard data side by side, organize dashboards by priority, resize dashboards so they all immediately appear

on the dashboard, and more. In the toolbar, click Edit, and then use the

following options: Edit


To make changes to

the panel, use the options in the panel menu.

Duplicate panelsediting

To duplicate a panel and the configured functionality, use the clone and copy panel options. Cloned and copied panels replicate all functionality of the original panel, including renaming, editing, and cloning.



The cloned panels appear next to the original panel and move the other panels to provide space on the board


Copy panelsediting

Copy panels from one panel to another


Find and filter your dataedit

Kibana supports several ways to find your data and apply Elasticsearch filters. You can combine filters with any panel filter to display the data you want to see.

For more information about Kibana and Elasticsearch filters, see Kibana concepts.

To apply a panel-level time filter: To

view and edit panel-level filters

: Apply layout


Apply a set of layout options to the entire panel.

Save panelsediting

When you have finished making changes to the panel, save it

. If you are saving

a new dashboard: If you are saving

an existing dashboard, click Save




edit mode, click Switch to View Mode.

View dashboard data and requestsedit View data in

visualizations and the requests that collect the data

. Share


To share the dashboard with a wider audience, click Share on the toolbar. For details about sharing options, see Reports.



To automate Kibana, you can export dashboards as NDJSON using the Export Objects API. It is important to export panels with all the necessary references.