Detailed Tutorial on How to Transfer Folder from Local to Remote SSH

How do I move a folder to another directory in SSH?

what is ssh

As a network communication protocol, SSH (Secure Shell) allows two computers to communicate and share data. In this tutorial, we will give you a complete guide on local to remote Windows SSH copy folder using SCP command, which is based on SSH protocol and allows you to transfer files securely from PC to PC.

SCP offers a wide range of options that regulate every facet of its activity. The following are the most common. Familiarize yourself with them before knowing how to transfer the folder from local to remote SSH.


  • P -Sets the ssh port
  • of the remote host. ✲-p –

  • Preserves file access and modification times
  • . ✲-q –

  • Disables progress bar and non-error warnings
  • . ✲-C -Instructs SCP to

  • compress the data before sending it to the target system. ✲-r -Instructs SCP
  • to

  • copy directories recursively.


to transfer the folder from local to remote

SSH Here in this post, we will introduce how to transfer the folder from local to remote SSH with SCP command. As a supplement, we will also introduce how to transfer the remote SSH folder to local. Start.

Before trading, here are some tips you need to know.

Part 1. Copy the folder from local to remote with the SCP Step 1 command

. Run the following command to copy the folder from the local system to a remote system.

scp -r /path/of/your/local/folder

[email protected]

:/path/to/remote/server/folder local folder path: the name of the local folder user name: the user name of the

  • local computer host name: The IP address of the path of the remote device to the remote server folder ▶
  • : ▶
  • The destination location to which you want to copy the folder (if no remote directory is provided, the folder will be copied to the remote user’s home directory).

Step 2. Enter the user password to start the process.

Part 2. Copy the folder from remote to local with the SCP Step 1 command

. Run the following command


scp -r [email protected]:

/path/of/remote/server/folder /path/to/local/destination/folder

Step 2. Enter the user password to start the process.

Now you can go to the local destination to check your destination folder.

AnyViewer: Transfer folders directly between PC in an easier way

Now you can understand how to transfer the folder from local to remote SSH. You might believe that using SSH to copy a folder from a remote location to a local one is time-consuming, or that configuring PuTTY to use the SCP command is difficult. In this situation, we recommend using AnyViewer to easily transfer folders between computers without any technical knowledge.

AnyViewer is a free third-party file transfer tool, which is highly appreciated for the following advantages:

Easy to use. It has easy operations to transfer folders without restrictions. fast. It has a fast file transfer speed, for example, it only costs about 20 seconds to transfer a 2GB zip file when both computers are on LAN. multifunction. In addition to file transfer, AnyViewer also allows you to share screen, manage your computer remotely, communicate via chat box in a remote session, etc. unattended. It offers unattended remote access to PCs and laptops without complicated configurations.

Step 1. On the client computer, go to Log in in the left pane and then click Register (log in directly if you have already registered).

log in anyviewer

Step 2. Complete the registration information.

Register in anyviewer

Step 3. Log in to the same account on other computers and you will be able to see the assigned devices.

free editions

Step 4. Go to the device interface to select the target device you want to transfer files to, and then click File Transfer.

file transfer anyviewer

Step 5. A File Transfer dialog box is now available for transferring files between computers. The right of the box shows the client computer and the host computer is on the left. Select the destination folder and click the right arrow to transfer it to the client computer, and vice versa.

choose files

You can see the transfer status at the bottom of the box. Right-click to pause or remove the tasks.

Notes: A single file less than 100MB can be transferred using AnyViewer’s free account, and you are only allowed to transfer up to 100 files at a time. To transfer larger files, upgrade to a Professional or Enterprise plan. Thereafter, the following rights will be yours: Transfer multiple files at once. Faster file transfer. The transfer speed for a free account is 500 KB/s, but it can reach 10 MB/s for a paid account. Assign more devices to the same account for direct file transfer. Connect to the host computer in privacy mode so that you can lock the remote PC’s keyboard and mouse and black its screen.


Now you can understand how to transfer the folder from local to remote SSH. This technique requires some IT expertise and can be difficult for you. You can try AnyViewer in this situation to transfer folders safely between PCs.