Python Array Length | Working of len() in Python with Examples

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Introduction to Python Array Length

In this article, the array length in Python is defined as the array consisting of a set of elements or elements that can also be thought of as a list of elements in the given array. And the length of the array which is calculated as the total number of elements or elements in the given array using various methods or functions as the len() method which returns the total number of elements in the given array as the length of the array where it is always one more than the highest array index which is in integer format which is indexing from 0, not 1 and this is known as array length.


Python array length

works In python, the array is defined as the set or list of elements or elements, and in this article, we discuss the length of the array. In Python, the array length is calculated using the len() function, which returns the integer value consisting of the number of elements or elements present in the given array, known as array length in Python. The length of the array is used to define the ability of the array to store the elements in the defined array. Different programming languages such as Javascripts or PHP array are similar to the list, but in Python, the array and lists are different.

In the next section we will look at how to calculate the array length for the given array using the Python programming language. In Python, the length of the array is calculated using the len() method and in the next program we will demonstrate it.

Let’s look at the syntax of the len() method in python:


len( given_arr_name )

In the

above syntax, we can see that we have passed the name of the array whose array length needs to be calculated. This function returns the integer value that is equal to the total number of elements present in the array that is passed as an argument to the function.

Python array length examples

Below are the different examples for calculating

the length of an array using Python:

Example #1


: print(“Program to demonstrate the len() method in Python”) print(“\n”) arr1 = [2,’educba’, 3, 4.5] print(“The given matrix is as follows:”) print(arr1) print(“\n”) print(“The

length of the

given arr1 array is: “) print(len(arr1))


Python array length example 1

In the program above, we can see that we have declared the array using brackets, also known as Python lists. In the given list or array called arr1, we have different elements of different data types like integer, string, float, etc. In the program above, we are trying to print the length of the given arr1 array by passing it to the len() method. This method returns the number of elements present in the given array. In the screenshot, we can see the output showing the output of the len() method as 4, which means that there are 4 elements present in the given array before it prints the entire declared array.

In Python, the array is useful for reducing the overall size of the code by simply explicitly declaring the name of the array and the size or length of the array, which can be

easy to save any number of elements in the array and Python, there is a module called array that can be imported to work with the array and its length or size.

In Python, it provides a module called array where it contains different methods and it is also easy to declare array. In the next section, let’s see how to use an array module to declare array and find its length using the len() function. Below is the program to demonstrate how to find the length of the array using the array module.

Sample #2


: import array as arr1 print(“Program to demonstrate the length of array using array module”) print(“\n”) a=arr1.array(‘i’, [1, 8, 4] ) print(“The matrix created is as follows:”) print(a) print(“\n”) print(“The length of the given array is as follows:”) print(len(a))


Python 2 array length example

In the above program, we can see that first, we

have imported the array module and then we are using an array object arr1 to define the array that we can see in line 6 we are defining array where “i” refers to the integer data type, where we can use “d” for floating point, etc. Then we are printing the array that is created using the array object arr1 and then we are using the len() function passing the created array to this function that is stored in the variable “a”. When we print the result of the len() function, it returns the integer value of the number of elements present in the given array. From the screenshot above, we can see that the length of the given array is 3, as there are 3 elements in the given array in the above program.

In Python, array length is a concept that can be used in various applications where we want to store data of the same data types and we can also store any number of elements in the array and we can also access any element of the array by using its index. In Python, the array length can be used to define the capacity of the array, which means that when we know the fixed data to be defined or if users cannot find the data capability declared for the array, we can use this concept of array length to find the number of elements present in the given or declared array.


In this article, we conclude that in Python array and list data structures are two different things. Therefore, in this article, we saw the definition of array length used to find the total number of elements present in the given array. In this, we also saw how we can calculate the length of the array in the Python program using the len() function, for example. In this, we also saw how the len() function is available in the array module in Python in this article we saw how it can be demonstrated and also the examples. We can conclude that the length of the array is a concept of finding the size of the given or declared array.

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This is a guide to Python array length. Here we discuss the work of len() in python to calculate the total number of elements present in the given array along with examples and their code implementation. You can also take a look at the following articles for more information:

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