There are several ways to install PySpark depending on your environment and use case. You can install only one PySpark package and connect to an existing cluster or install full Apache Spark (includes the PySpark package) to set up your own cluster.
In this article, I will cover step by step the installation of pyspark using pip, Anaconda (conda command), manually on Windows and Mac.
Installation ways
: Download and install manually yourself. Use Python PIP to configure PySpark
- and
- Use Anaconda to configure PySpark with all its features
- Python to run PySpark.
connect to an existing cluster.
. 1: Install python Regardless of the process you use, you must install
If you already have Python, skip this step. Check if you have Python using python -version or python3 -version from the command line.
On Windows: Download Python from and install it.
On Mac – Install python using the following command. If you do not have a preparation, install it first following
# install Python brew
install python 2. Install
PySpark uses underlying Java, therefore you need to have Java on your Windows or Mac. Since Java is a third party, you can install it using Homebrew for Mac and download and install it manually for Windows. Since Oracle Java is no longer open source, I am using OpenJDK version 11.
On Windows – Download OpenJDK from here and install it
On Mac: Run the following command in the terminal to
install Java. # install Java brew install [email protected]
3. Install PySpark
3.1. Download and manually
install PySpark
PySpark is a Spark library written in Python for running Python applications using the capabilities of Apache Spark. therefore, you can install PySpark with all its features by installing Apache Spark.
On the Apache Spark download page, select the “Download Spark (item 3)” link to download. If you want to use a different version of Spark & Hadoop, select the one you want from the drop-down menus, and the link in point 3 changes to the selected version and provides you with an updated link to download.

After downloading, unzip the binary and copy the underlying folder spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2 to /your/home/directory/ On
Windows: Unzip the binary using 7zip
On Mac: Run
the following command # Unzip the tar tar -xzf
file Now set the following environment variables. On Windows: Set
the following environment variables.
If you’re not sure, Google it.
SPARK_HOME = c:\your\home\directory\spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2 HADOOP_HOME = c:\your\home\directory\spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2 PATH = %PATH%;%SPARK_HOME%\bin
On Mac: Depending on your version, open .bash_profile .bashrc or .zshrc file and add the following lines. After adding reopen the session/terminal.
export SPARK_HOME = /your/home/directory/spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2 export HADOOP_HOME = /your/home/directory/spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2 export PATH = $PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin
The next step is only required for Windows. Download the winutils.exe file from winutils and copy it to the %SPARK_HOME%\bin folder. Winutils are different for each version of Hadoop, so download the correct version of
This completes the installation of Apache Spark to run PySpark on Windows
3.2. Installing
PySpark using pip Alternatively, you can install only one PySpark package using the pip python installer. Note that with Python
pip you can install only the PySpark package
that is used to test your jobs locally or run your jobs on an existing cluster running with Yarn, Standalone, or Mesos. It does not contain features/libraries to configure your own cluster. If you want PySpark with all its features, including starting your own cluster, install it from Anaconda or using the above approach.
Install pip on Mac and Windows: Follow the instructions below to install pip.
#Install pip
For Python users, PySpark provides pip installation from PyPI. Python pip is a package manager that is used to install and uninstall third-party packages that are not part of the Python standard library. Using pip you can install/uninstall/update/downgrade any Python library that is part of the Python package index.
If you already have pip installed, update pip to the latest version before
installing PySpark. # Install pyspark from pip pip install pyspark
This pip command starts collecting the PySpark package and installing it. You should see something like this below on the console if you’re using Mac.

As I said earlier, this does not contain all the features of Apache Spark, therefore you cannot set up your own cluster, but use it to connect to the existing cluster to run jobs and run jobs locally
3.3. Using
Follow Install PySpark using Anaconda and run Jupyter notebook
4. Test installing
PySpark from the shell
Regardless of which method you have used, once you successfully install PySpark, launch pyspark shell by entering pyspark from the command line. PySpark shell is a REPL that is used to test and learn pyspark statements.

To submit a job on the cluster, use the spark-submit command that comes with install
If you have any problems setting up PySpark on Mac and Windows by following the steps above, please leave me a comment. I will be happy to help you and correct the steps.
Happy learning!!
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