Python Release Python 3.8.0

Release date: October 14, 2019

Note: The version you are looking at is Python 3.8.0, an outdated version. Python 3.11 is now the latest series of Python 3 releases. Get the latest version of 3.11.x here.

PEP 572, assignment expressions PEP 570,

    position-only arguments PEP 587, Python initialization settings (enhanced embedding) PEP 590,

  • Vectorcall: A quick call protocol for CPython
  • PEP 578,

  • runtime audit hooks PEP 574
  • , pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data Write-related
  • : PEP 591 (final qualifier), PEP 586 (literal types) and PEP 589 (TypedDict)
  • Parallel file system cache
  • for

  • compiled bytecode
  • Debug builds share ABIs as release builds

  • Strings f support a handy = specifier for debugging
  • continue now is legal in finally: blocks
  • in Windows, the

  • default asynchronous event loop is now ProactorEventLoop
  • in

  • macOS, the build startup method
  • is now used by default in multiprocessing multiprocessing

  • can now use shared memory segments to avoid pickling costs between processes
  • typed_ast merge back with CPython
  • LOAD_GLOBAL is now 40% faster
  • pickle now uses Protocol 4 by default, Improving performance

There are many other interesting changes, see the “What’s New” page in the documentation for a complete list


  • Online documentation
  • PEP 569, 3.8 Release Schedule
  • Error reporting in
  • .

  • Help fund Python and its community.
  • Binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture. (Also known as the “x64” architecture, and formerly known as “EM64T” and “x86-64”.)
  • There are now “web-based” installers for Windows platforms; the installer will download the necessary software components at installation time.
  • There are redistributable zip files that contain Windows builds, making it easy to redistribute Python as part of another software package. See the documentation for embedded distribution for more information.
  • For Python 3.8.0, we provide an installer – 64-bit only that works on macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) and later systems.
  • Read the “

  • Important Information” displayed during installation for information on validating SSL/TLS certificates and running “Install Certificates.command”.

Interviewer: And how long have you been here? Camel watcher: Three years. interviewer: So, in, er, three years old you haven’t seen camels? Camel watcher: Yes in just three years. Er, I tell a lie, four, be fair, five. I have been watching camels for only seven years. Before that, of course, I was a Yeti observer. interviewer: A Yeti Spotter, that must have been extremely interesting. Camel watcher: Oh, it was extremely interesting, very, very, quite… it was boring; boring, boring, boring, oh God, it was boring. Sitting in the Waterloo waiting room. Of course, once you’ve seen a Yeti, you’ve seen them all.

Complete changelog

Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum GPG file size Gzip source tarball Source version e18a9d1a0a6d858b9787e03fc6fdaa20 23949883 GIS XZ tarball from compressed source Source version dbac8df9d8b9edc678d0f4cacdb7dbb0 17829824 GIS macOS 64-bit installer macOS for OS X 10..9 and later f5f9ae9f416170c6355cab7256bb75b5 29005746 GIS Windows Help file Windows 1c33359821033ddb3353c8e5b6e7e003 8457529 GIS Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file for AMD64/EM64T/x64 99cca948512b53fb165084787143ef19 8084795 SIG Windows x86-64 installer executable Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 29ea87f24c32f5e924b7d63f8a08ee8d 27505064 SIG Windows x86-64 web-based installer Windows for AMD64/EM644 t/x64 f93f7ba8cd48066c59827752e531924b 1363336 GIS Windows Embeddable zip file x86 Windows 2ec3abf05f3f1046e0dbd1ca5c74ce88 7213298 GIS Windows x86 Executable Installer Windows 412a649d36626d33b8ca5593cf18318c 26406312 GIS Web-based installer Windows x86 Windows 50d484ff0b08722b3cf51f9305f49fdc 1325368 GIS